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The Prophet PBUH said: “Every newborn baby is in pledge for his Aqeeqah, a Sacrifice is made for him on the seventh day, his head is shaved and he (or she) is given a name” [Abu-Dawood].

What is Aqeeqah?

Aqeeqah is a part of the legacy inherited from Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH) and a great Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). When a baby is born, it is recommended by our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to slaughter a sheep on behalf of the baby in celebration of its birth. This Sunnah should occur seven days’ post-birth, although it can also be performed after that period. Our Prophet (PBUH) reported, the sacrifice for a male baby is two sheep and for a female one sheep.

Sweet newborn baby pictures

How does HAA help in regards to your Aqeeqah?

We slaughter the sheep for your Aqeeqah locally in regions of Bangladesh & Somalia. With a donation of $150 per sheep, we can ensure to spread the blessing of your lovely newborn to those in need.
For further assistance, get in touch with Human Appeal by visiting your local office or simply give us a call on 1300 760 155 and our dedicated staff be willing to help.

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The Prophet PBUH said: “Every newborn baby is in pledge for his Aqeeqah, a Sacrifice is made for him on the seventh day, his head is shaved and he (or she) is given a name” [Abu-Dawood].

What is Aqeeqah?

Aqeeqah is a part of the legacy inherited from Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH) and a great Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). When a baby is born, it is recommended by our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to slaughter a sheep on behalf of the baby in celebration of its birth. This Sunnah should occur seven days’ post-birth, although it can also be performed after that period. Our Prophet (PBUH) reported, the sacrifice for a male baby is two sheep and for a female one sheep.

Sweet newborn baby pictures

How does HAA help in regards to your Aqeeqah?

We slaughter the sheep for your Aqeeqah locally in regions of Bangladesh & Somalia. With a donation of $150 per sheep, we can ensure to spread the blessing of your lovely newborn to those in need.
For further assistance, get in touch with Human Appeal by visiting your local office or simply give us a call on 1300 760 155 and our dedicated staff be willing to help.


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