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Eid Clothing

One of the preferred Sunnah actions on the day of Eid is to wear new clothes and to present nicely to others, as to demonstration your happiness on those days.

This is especially the case for children, who might enjoy and appreciate their new clothes on a different level.

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Unfortunately, thousands of children do not have the means do enjoy this sort of celebration and happiness, because their parents or guardians (if any) cannot afford to provide for such occasions.

To participate in this great deed, you can donate towards purchasing clothes for these needy children and enable them to enjoy their Eid alongside the other Muslims around the world.

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Eid Clothing

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One of the preferred Sunnah actions on the day of Eid is to wear new clothes and to present nicely to others, as to demonstration your happiness on those days.

This is especially the case for children, who might enjoy and appreciate their new clothes on a different level.

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Unfortunately, thousands of children do not have the means do enjoy this sort of celebration and happiness, because their parents or guardians (if any) cannot afford to provide for such occasions.

To participate in this great deed, you can donate towards purchasing clothes for these needy children and enable them to enjoy their Eid alongside the other Muslims around the world.


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