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Somalia Drought Appeal 2022

The Horn of Africa is undergoing one of the most difficult droughts in 40 years, with one of the most affected countries being Somalia.

Somalia is currently facing its third drought within the last decade where all most 4.6 million Somalis are going to face crisis to emergency level food insecurity.

HA 2022 SomaliaDrought LandingPage pic1

Half a million people left their homes in search of food, water and pasture; making it a total of 3.4 million people displaced within the country already.

Unfortunately, the situation has been worsening with 1.4 million children aged under 5, are suffering from acute malnutrition.

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HA 2022 SomaliaDrought LandingPage pic3

What adds even more difficulty to the situation is the death of 700,000 camels, goats, sheep & cattle reducing food resources dramatically.

Our field partners have mobilised to distribute much needed water, food & medical aid to assist the affected families in the region.

Help save our fellow Somalis today!

Emergency relief

$75 Provides a family with a food parcel

$120 Provides clean drinking water for 200 people

$2,000 Provides a mobile medical clinic to treat 500 patients

$4,500 Provides a water well to serve a village of people

WHAT YOU GIVE TODAY CAN Change Lives Forever

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(For the gift to be considered tax deductible, please ensure you donate $2 or more)

The Horn of Africa is undergoing one of the most difficult droughts in 40 years, with one of the most affected countries being Somalia.

Somalia is currently facing its third drought within the last decade where all most 4.6 million Somalis are going to face crisis to emergency level food insecurity.

HA 2022 SomaliaDrought LandingPage pic1

Half a million people left their homes in search of food, water and pasture; making it a total of 3.4 million people displaced within the country already.

Unfortunately, the situation has been worsening with 1.4 million children aged under 5, are suffering from acute malnutrition.

HA 2022 SomaliaDrought LandingPage pic2
HA 2022 SomaliaDrought LandingPage pic3

What adds even more difficulty to the situation is the death of 700,000 camels, goats, sheep & cattle reducing food resources dramatically.

Our field partners have mobilised to distribute much needed water, food & medical aid to assist the affected families in the region.

Help save our fellow Somalis today!

Emergency relief

$75 Provides a family with a food parcel

$120 Provides clean drinking water for 200 people

$2,000 Provides a mobile medical clinic to treat 500 patients

$4,500 Provides a water well to serve a village of people


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